Drugs & Alcohol Policy Statement

It is the policy of the company:

  • To have a working environment free from the effects of alcohol and drugs.
  • To encourage employees who suspect or know they have an alcohol or drug-related problem to seek professional help voluntarily and provide assistance to those employees to overcome their problem.
  • To reduce the personal suffering of employees with alcohol or drug-related problems and that of their dependants.
  • To provide practical guidance on how to deal with alcohol or drug-related problems effectively.
  • To promote a climate which will reduce the tendency to conceal or deny alcohol or drug-related problems by enhancing awareness.
  • To provide a supportive framework for employees who come forward with an alcohol and drugs dependency issue.

No person will be permitted to be at work if believed to be incapable of working safely or maintaining safety from the influence of drugs, alcohol or chemical substance(s).

Employees taking prescription drugs or proprietary medication (for example common cold, cough and flu remedies) should notify the company of any side effects notified to them by the doctor or dispensing chemist. Where described as “may cause drowsiness” do not drive or operate power tools.

Where any person is identified as incapable as above the person will be immediately removed from the work area and suspended from work until an enquiry is held by the company and it may be treated as gross misconduct, which could lead to disciplinary action and possible dismissal. For a contractor, this could mean termination of their contract.

Where a person remains at the workplace consideration will be given to their safety, for example put in a place of safety & accompanied until assessed as capable of remaining safe for themselves or others. Where a person is asked to leave site due consideration will be given to their safety, for example transport home arranged.

Signed: Scott Cooper, Managing Director                      Date: 28th January 2024


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